Countries / Regions

What are the countries/regions where overseas delivery is available?

Overseas delivery is currently available for fur parents in Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore and Malaysia!

Our members work hard to remove geographical restrictions and hope that fur babies worldwide could eat DogCatStar’s products!


How do I place an order?

Choose “SG & MY” from the drop-down menu on the official website to buy our products for delivery to Singapore and Malaysia.

※ Note: Creating an account is easy and free. After signing in, you will be able to track your orders, redeem the reward points and more!

What payment methods are available?

【Credit card】

We have two payment systems for credit cards: Epay and Tpay. If one system cannot verify your credit card, you can try the other and contact our customer service to confirm whether your card is successfully verified. If your credit is not guaranteed to be verified, the order will be canceled automatically.

【Razer Merchant Services】

1.  After you confirm the order, including the currency and price, click “CHECKOUT”.
2.  Choose your payment method “Razer Merchant Services”, and follow the instructions to finish the checkout progress.

※※ Notes for online transactions ※※

DogCatStar and our staff will not phone fur parents to use an ATM. Please be careful not to fall for it. Increasing internet scams are constantly updated. But, once receiving a call from the unknown, you had better immediately contact our customer service to check it out.

Can I buy frozen food?

Due to customs regulations, we can only deliver food at room temperature but not sell frozen food.


How to Get/Redeem Reward Points?
【How to Get Reward Points】

1. Sign up for the DogCatStar website, and add up Reward Points by consumption to your account.
2. The amount of each shopping will be turned into Reward Points as redemption for your next shopping.
3. Conversion Rate: 100 coins are equal to NT$ 1. The more you spend, the more you can add up. Reward Points have no expiration date and can be used at any time. 

【How to Redeem Reward Points】

You can find the Reward Points” field on the checkout page and enter any relevant numbers that appear in the system for each order.

For example: I still have 10,000 Reward Points (equal to NT$ 100). If I want to deduct NT$ 52 from this consumption, I need to enter “5200” Reward Points to redeem it!

※ Number of redeemed reward points cannot exceed 50% of cart subtotal for an order.

【Expiration Date of Reward Points】

Reward Points have no expiration date. Remember to log in when you place your order to add up and redeem them!

How do I use the coupon?

You can enter a promo code or coupon obtained from our official marketing activities at the bottom right of the cart page.

After entering, you click “Use Coupon“, and the system will automatically discount your goods!

If you are the winner of the product voucher, you can buy any item (with no limit on the amount) on the official website; the system will automatically redeem products in your cart after entering the promo code!


Delivery Rules

Home Delivery Only. 

Free shipping for orders SGD $60 or more
※ Example ※ A subtotal of the order is more than SGD $60

【Items Purchased】

A box of canned food priced at SGD $66.63

【Delivery Fee】

The total is over SGD $60, so no international delivery fee will be charged.

【Total Order Amount】

= [A box of canned food]
= SGD $66.63

SGD $40 flat rate shipping for orders under $60.

※ Example ※ A subtotal of the order is under SGD $60

【Items Purchased】

A bottle of health care priced at SGD $16.83

【Delivery Fee】

The total is under SGD $60, so an international delivery fee of SGD $40 will be charged for each order.

【Total Order Amount】

= [A bottle of health care] + [Delivery fee]
= SGD $16.83 + SGD $40
= SGD $56.83

How long will it take to deliver after my order is placed?
About 2-3 working days.
Your goods will be delivered after the checkout is completed and the order is placed. It will take about 2-3 working days to deliver.
※ The ship date may change due to annual leave or public holidays.
How long will my goods be delivered?

The average shipping time frames are 4-10 working days for home delivery.

A single order with a large volume of goods may have more than one single number; if necessary, please contact our customer service again.

If you receive a phone call for the arrival of goods at an inconvenient time, you can make an appointment with the freight forwarder to receive the goods at another time.

※ The delivery time cannot be chosen in Singapore and Malaysia. The actual delivery date will depend on the logistics status of each order.

※ If the delivery is unsuccessful twice, the consignee will have to pay for each additional delivery fee after the third time.

Can I choose a shipping address for my package?


Fill in a valid and complete street address on the checkout page to make your address for delivery.

※ Please fill in the English address when you carry out the order of Singapore and Malaysia

※ Delivery cannot be made to a P.O. box as the delivery location.

What are the delivery methods and the logistics companies you cooperate with?

【Delivery Method】Currently, only home delivery is available.

【Logistics Company】Goodmaji.


How do I check shipment progress?

【Method 1】Go to【My Account】>【Order Tracking】>【Orders】page to view your tracking number and the latest shipment’s status of the order.

【Method 2】Go to Goodmaji’s Bill of Lading page to check the latest status of the status of a package.
※ You can check the latest shipment progress about 1-2 working days after your goods are shipped.

What should I do if my package has not been shipped for more than a week?

Don’t hesitate to contact DogCatStar’s customer service. We will assist you in handling it.


※ Contact one-on-one customer service:

▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)

▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com

Can I return or exchange my goods?

Due to international shipping restrictions, returns and exchanges are not available.

Can I change my order items?

It is okay if the order status is shown as “Processing“, but you have to place another order!

Fur parents can place another order for correct items, and go to【My Account】> 【Orders and Tracking Packages】> 【Recent Orders】page. Then note “Cancel Order” in your wrong order!

※ Notice! If the status of a package is shown as “Processing“, it is already in the shipping process and cannot be changed.

Can I cancel my order?

If the order status is shown as “Processing“, it is okay!

You can go to【My Account】> 【Orders and Tracking Packages】> 【Recent Orders】page, note “Cancel Order” in your order, and our shipping partners will assist!

※ If the order status is not in process, it means that it is already in the packing and shipping process and cannot be changed!

Can I change my shipping address?
1. If the order is still shown as “Processing“, you can contact our customer service to help make changes.
2. If the goods have already been shipped, fur parents can make an appointment with the freight forwarder to deliver in a different location.
Still, if the address is across administrative regions or counties, it will require additional transit time ranging from 2-3 days!
※ Contact one-on-one customer service:
▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)
▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com


Why can't I place an order successfully?
If the product is sold out, it will show “Out of Stock” at checkout. You can contact our customer service again to inquire about the inventory status!
Please check your shopping cart to see if you have mistakenly added a product to the “Non-Singapore and Malaysia Section“.
If so, please remove the item manually and place your order again!
※ Contact one-on-one customer service:
▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)
▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com
Is there any brick-and-mortar store where I can buy DogCatStar's products?

We don’t have any regular chain but now work with brick-and-mortar stores with all our energy for cooperation in Singapore and Malaysia.

Will DogCatStar contact me (proactively)?

DogCatStar will notify fur parents by e-mail or SMS in the ordering and shipping process.

Suppose there is anything wrong with the order (such as incorrect address, missing items or missing full name, etc.). In that case, DogCatStar will contact you through contact information left by fur parents, but will not inquire about payment, ATM operations, or any account password. Please fur parents may rest assured!

DogCatStar will not contact you after work! Please do not provide any personal financial information when you receive a suspicious call!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service.

▍常見問題 Q&A




因為配合物流調整運送規範,2019 年 5 月起,汪喵常溫與冷凍品項採分開配送,在官網購買冷凍商品(如汪喵沙西米、生食新手包)與常溫商品(如罐罐、凍乾、零嘴、保健品)需要請毛拔麻分開下單喔!


【 信用卡 】

只要手機 LINE PAY 有綁定信用卡,就可選擇此付款。如果是用電腦版購物的毛拔麻,可以在最後結帳頁 > 選擇 LINE PAY 後,直接拿手機掃完畫面中條碼進入LINE 付款頁,不須另外輸入信用卡號,還能折抵 LINE POINTS 超方便!


【 超商代碼繳費 】
汪喵會提供一組付款序號,請依照序號的截止日期內盡快繳費。*此服務尚未開放海外訂購*繳費完成才會出貨,如未繳費商品不會出貨,請毛拔麻們注意!*產生的條碼均可至 7-11、萊爾富、全家、OK 便利商品的機台進行繳費動作,若不熟可以詢問店員指示操作。*選用此付款方式不代表商品是使用超商取貨,請毛拔麻們特別留意!

【 ATM 轉帳 】
若選擇 ATM 轉帳付款,在確認訂單後,請依照系統指示步驟,選擇欲轉帳之銀行後,系統將自動產生一組匯款帳號,並且到 ATM 機台選擇繳費,就可以使用後續動作。*此服務尚未開放海外訂購*付款完後系統會自動告知並且更新動態,無需另外告知。*部分銀行入帳時間比較晚,可能會有耽誤到出貨時間,如是急件商品建議選擇其他付款方式。

【 宅配貨到付款 】
此服務適用於全品項商品,商品到達時請將金額轉交給貨運人員,只可付現金,無法使用其他付款方式。*此服務尚未開放海外訂購*如遇到商品超過 7 天未領取退回,次數達三次以上,汪喵有權利決定是否繼續該帳號的貨到付款服務,請毛拔麻們善用汪喵提供的權利。

【 超商貨到付款 】
常溫商品為7-11取貨付款、冷凍商品為全家取貨付款,收到汪喵的出貨簡訊後隔 2~3 天後均可自行到超商取貨付款。*此服務尚未開放海外訂購*部分超商取貨時會需要出示證件,請毛麻們多加注意,並記得攜帶證件前往唷。*如遇到商品超過 7 天未領取退回,次數達三次以上,汪喵有權利決定是否繼續該帳號的貨到付款服務,請務必留心。

※※ 網路交易注意事項 ※※

在此特別提醒毛拔麻!汪喵星球與全體工作人員,均不會主動致電要求毛拔麻們至提款機操作任何功能,請小心勿上當,網路詐騙案件層出不窮、手法也不斷更新,若接獲不明人士來電,應立即撥打 165 防詐騙專線查詢或撥電話至汪喵客服專線 (02) 2546-4922 查證喔。

關於發票,汪喵提供五種方式 …

1. 捐贈發票 > 直接輸入捐贈機構( 共 3 種動物救援團體 )
2. 會員載具 > 即是會員當時輸入的郵件信箱
3. 自然人憑證 > 需要至財政部申請自然人憑證會獲得一組條碼,輸入即可存入發票資訊。
4. 手機條碼 > 需要至財政部申請手機條碼,輸入條碼後可以直接進行後續對獎動作。
5. 統一編號 > 如有需要報帳或是公司行號請務必輸入統一編號。


其他詳細介紹,可至財政部電子發票整合服務平台查詢(https://www.einvoice.nat.gov.tw/ )。

【 發票捐贈 】

汪喵捐贈機構有三家:台灣動物不再流浪協會 / 財團法人臺北市支持流浪貓絕育計畫協會 / 財團法人惠光導盲犬教育基金會



1. 註冊汪喵官網會員,消費即可累積汪喵幣到該會員帳號
2. 購買的每一筆訂單總金額將全數轉成汪喵幣,可於下次消費做為現金折抵
3. 換算機制:100 枚汪喵幣等於 NT$ 1 ,消費越多累積越多,汪喵幣無有效期限限制,均可以無限累積使用


例如:我還剩下 10,000 汪喵幣(相當於台幣 100 元),本次消費想折抵台幣 52 元,就要輸入「5200」汪喵幣,就可以成功折抵囉!

※ 汪喵幣折抵上限為單筆訂單金額之 50% 。




於汪喵官方 LINE、臉書粉絲專頁、IG 等活動取得的優惠碼或折價券,可以直接在購物車頁面的右下方輸入,輸入後點選 使用折價券,系統就會自動折抵喔!若為商品兌換券的得獎者,可以在官網消費任一品項 (不限金額),並輸入優惠碼/折價券後,系統就會自動將兌換商品加入您的購物車喔!




常溫宅配(黑貓)& 超取(7-11)
單筆 NT$ 1000 以下 單筆滿 NT$ 1000
運費 NT$ 80元 免運費
冷凍宅配(黑貓)& 超取(全家)
單筆 NT$ 500 以下 單筆 NT$ 500 ~ $1799 單筆滿 NT$ 1800
運費 NT$160元 運費 NT$ 80元 免運費


1. 工作日(周一至周五)每日上午 10:00 整為最後出貨時間,所以建議毛拔麻提早下單購買避免超過出貨時間喔!

2. 每週最後出貨時間為週五上午 10:00(逢週休二日及國定假日不出貨喔!)



宅配 約 1~3 天;超商取件 約 3~5 天(自出貨通知時間起算)

【 汪喵出貨時間與異動 】汪喵的出貨時間為 平日早上 10:00,宅配方式最快,出貨隔天可以收到,實際配送時間依物流為主,提醒毛拔麻可提早訂貨避免毛孩斷糧哦!

【 配送時段說明 】官網有提供收件時段給選擇〔宅配〕的 毛拔麻參考,超商取貨、港澳的訂單則無法指定收件時段喔!



※以上時段為「建議到貨時間」,僅供毛拔麻參考,實際配送狀況依貨運大哥的路線安排為準,亦無法指定時間點喔!(例如 09:00整、14:30前皆為無效的指定喲
◎ 黑貓站所查詢可參考此網站: https://ppt.cc/fsimGx



※ 部分離島地區與超商取貨收貨日無法指定哦!


【台灣】冷凍與常溫皆主要與黑貓配合,寄倉商品與少量常溫是和順豐配合喔!※ 部分島嶼無法配送區域:880 澎湖縣 馬公市(虎井/ 桶盤島)884 澎湖縣 白沙鄉(大倉/ 員貝/ 鳥嶼/ 吉貝嶼)894 金門縣 烈嶼鄉(大膽/ 二膽島)952 台東縣-蘭嶼(全)離島外島地區無法指定配送日期,實際配送日請依各物流的貨況為主喔。



※ 由於超商無法代收宅配包裹,如果在訂單中選擇宅配並自行輸入超商地址會導致無法成功出貨,延遲到收件時間喔!



如果將冷凍商品與常溫商品合併下單,會顯示 「找不到運送方式」喔!
如果商品已售完,結帳時會顯示「庫存不足,可供應數量<0」,可以再私訊客服(LINE:@dogcatstar) 詢問庫存狀況喔! 
👉找一對一 LINE 客服:@dogcatstar 








為保護消費者之權益,若對收到的商品有疑慮時,請先將商品收妥,並拍照傳至汪喵客服(LINE ID :@DOGCATSTAR)聯繫客服人員喔,感謝您!



毛拔麻可以另外新增一筆正確品項的訂單,並到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】頁面,在原先下錯的訂單備註「取消訂單」即可喔!※ 注意!如果包裹狀況已非「處理中」就已經進入出貨流程,無法更改囉!


可以到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】頁面,在該筆訂單備註「取消訂單」,會由出貨夥伴協助喔!若訂單狀態已非處理中,則代表已進入包裝出貨程序,恕無法更改喔!


由於配送方式已綁定系統,毛拔麻若須更改配送方式需要另外新增一筆更正的訂單,並到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】>【修改訂單資訊】頁面,在原先的訂單備註「取消訂單」即可喔!



宅配:可以的!1. 若訂單還在「處理中」可聯繫客服協助做更改 👉 找一對一 LINE 客服:@dogcatstar 
2. 若已經出貨,毛拔麻可以與配送的大哥另外約定配送的地址,但若地址跨行政區或縣市,會需要額外的轉運時間約 2-3 天不等喔!

其他 QA


購買冷凍生食的毛拔麻可以考慮以 NT $30 元加購保麗龍箱,保麗龍箱可延長生食的冷凍狀態、減緩解凍速度,不過仍建議收件後盡速冰入冷凍喔!若為管理室代收的冷凍包裹,建議可以先與管理室確認是否能代為冷凍保存喔!


如果毛拔麻下單時不小心加購了保麗龍箱,可以到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】頁面,在該筆訂單備註「取消保麗龍箱」,會由出貨夥伴協助喔!毛拔麻也可以私訊客服(LINE:@dogcatstar)來協助喔!👉 找一對一 LINE 客服:@dogcatstar 


毛拔麻可以到連鎖寵物店詢問,或參考以下名單喔!前往 > 汪喵合作店家由於每間店家進貨品項不同,建議毛拔麻在前往選購前可以先打電話去詢問庫存狀況喔!


訂購簡訊通知訂購成功:《汪喵星球OOO訂購成功》訂單123456寄出時會再傳簡訊通知 (Line ID: @dogcatstar)宅配出貨:《汪喵星球 出貨囉》請留意指定日或明日收貨,黑貓單號:123456789超商出貨:《汪喵星球 7-11取貨》包裹出貨囉!2天後記得帶證件到7-11 OO門市 ( 店號: 123456)取件,如商品數量多可能會有兩個包裹:D其他聯繫情況如果訂單有任何狀況(如地址有誤、品項缺少、缺少完整姓名等等),汪喵會以 (02) 6604-4922 的電話致電給您喔!但不會要求付款、操作ATM或任何帳號密碼,毛拔麻可以放心喔!

汪喵不會在下班時間聯絡各位毛拔麻!接到可疑電話請勿提供任何個人金融資料!有任何疑問都可以來電客服專線 (02) 2546-4922 詢問!







【 信用卡 】汪喵採用的信用卡付款系統有兩個:Epay、Tpay,如遇到信用卡因為單一系統無法刷過,可換另一個系統刷刷看,並且聯繫客服確認是否有刷卡成功,如未確認又遇上刷卡失敗,該訂單會自動轉成取消。【 LINE PAY 】只要手機 LINE PAY 有綁定信用卡,就可選擇此付款。如果是用電腦版購物的毛拔麻,可以在最後結帳頁 > 選擇 LINE PAY 後,直接拿手機掃完畫面中條碼進入LINE 付款頁,不須另外輸入信用卡號,還能折抵 LINE POINTS 超方便!

※※ 網路交易注意事項 ※※

在此特別提醒毛拔麻!汪喵星球與全體工作人員,均不會主動致電要求毛拔麻們至提款機操作任何功能,請小心勿上當,網路詐騙案件層出不窮、手法也不斷更新,若接獲不明人士來電,應立即撥打 165 防詐騙專線查詢或撥電話至汪喵客服專線 (02) 2546-4922 查證喔。



1. 註冊汪喵官網會員,消費即可累積汪喵幣到該會員帳號
2. 購買的每一筆訂單總金額將全數轉成汪喵幣,可於下次消費做為現金折抵
3. 換算機制:100 枚汪喵幣等於 NT$ 1 ,消費越多累積越多,汪喵幣無有效期限限制,均可以無限累積使用


例如:我還剩下 10,000 汪喵幣(相當於台幣 100 元),本次消費想折抵台幣 52 元,就要輸入「5200」汪喵幣,就可以成功折抵囉!

※ 汪喵幣折抵上限為單筆訂單金額之 50% 。




於汪喵官方 LINE、臉書粉絲專頁、IG 等活動取得的優惠碼或折價券,可以直接在購物車頁面的右下方輸入,輸入後點選 使用折價券,系統就會自動折抵喔!若為商品兌換券的得獎者,可以在官網消費任一品項 (不限金額),並輸入優惠碼/折價券後,系統就會自動將兌換商品加入您的購物車喔!



限時免運活動⚡港澳地區滿 NT$2000 享免運費!

  單筆未滿 NT$ 3,000 單筆 NT$ 3,000 以上
GO LOGISTICS 運費 NT$ 160 免運費
順豐速運 運費 NT$ 240 運費 NT$ 80
  單筆未滿 NT$ 3,000 單筆 NT$ 3,000 以上
運費  運費 NT$ 280元 免運費
  一件包裹 兩件(含)以上包裹
電梯大樓 $10 澳門幣(不分樓層) $20 澳門幣(不分樓層)
  樓梯樓(唐樓) $5 澳門幣/樓 $10 澳門幣/樓

※ 不論體積重量,物流業者皆以包裹件數為單位收費。
※ 免運活動補助之「運費」不包含「樓層搬運費」,包裹如需配送上/下樓,費用仍需自行負擔。
※ 詳見《收費試算範例》


當日下單的訂單最快是隔日出貨喔!※ 實際出貨日可能因遇特殊假日與節日變動。

約可在 3 至 4 個工作天後送達(偏遠地區可能延後 1 至 2 天)
約需 7 個工作天送達

※ 香港宅配配送時間:星期一到星期五(一般工作天)10:00-18:00※ 澳門宅配配送時間:星期日無配送※ 單筆訂單貨量較大可能會有多個單號,如有需要請再聯繫客服人員。※ 如在不方便的時間點收到電話通知到貨,可以跟貨運大哥另約時間收貨。



香港:GO LOGISTICS/順豐速運澳門: 三益物流

【香港】配合物流為 Go Logistics/順豐速運,僅提供常溫配送喔!【澳門】配合物流為三益物流,僅提供常溫配送喔!※ 港澳訂單恕無法指定配送日期。※ 實際配送日請依各物流的貨況為主喔!


1. 如果商品已售完,結帳時會顯示「庫存不足,可供應數量<0」,可以再私訊客服詢問庫存狀況喔!2. 請留意購物車內商品,是否誤加「非港澳配送地區」之商品,手動移除該商品後,即可成功下單唷! 
👉找一對一 LINE 客服:@dogcatstar 






為保護消費者之權益,若對收到的商品有疑慮時,請先將商品收妥,並拍照傳至汪喵客服(LINE ID :@DOGCATSTAR)聯繫客服人員喔,感謝您!



毛拔麻可以另外新增一筆正確品項的訂單,並到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】頁面,在原先下錯的訂單備註「取消訂單」即可喔!※ 注意!如果包裹狀況已非「處理中」就已經進入出貨流程,無法更改囉!


可以到【我的帳號】>【訂單與追蹤包裹】>【Recent Orders】頁面,在該筆訂單備註「取消訂單」,會由出貨夥伴協助喔!若訂單狀態已非處理中,則代表已進入包裝出貨程序,恕無法更改喔!

1. 若訂單還在「處理中」可聯繫客服協助做更改 👉 找一對一 LINE 客服:@dogcatstar  
2. 若已經出貨,毛拔麻可以與配送的大哥另外約定配送的地址,但若地址跨行政區或縣市,會需要額外的轉運時間約 2-3 天不等喔!

其他 QA


毛拔麻可以到連鎖寵物店詢問,或參考以下名單喔!前往 > 汪喵合作店家由於每間店家進貨品項不同,建議毛拔麻在前往選購前可以先打電話去詢問庫存狀況喔!


訂購簡訊通知訂購成功:《汪喵星球OOO訂購成功》訂單123456寄出時會再傳簡訊通知 (Line ID: @dogcatstar)宅配出貨:《汪喵星球 出貨囉》請留意指定日或明日收貨,黑貓單號:123456789超商出貨:《汪喵星球 7-11取貨》包裹出貨囉!2天後記得帶證件到7-11 OO門市 ( 店號: 123456)取件,如商品數量多可能會有兩個包裹:D其他聯繫情況如果訂單有任何狀況(如地址有誤、品項缺少、缺少完整姓名等等),汪喵會以 (02) 6604-4922 的電話致電給您喔!但不會要求付款、操作ATM或任何帳號密碼,毛拔麻可以放心喔!

汪喵不會在下班時間聯絡各位毛拔麻!接到可疑電話請勿提供任何個人金融資料!有任何疑問都可以來電客服專線 (02) 2546-4922 詢問!

Countries / Regions

What are the countries/regions where overseas delivery is available?

Overseas delivery is currently available for fur parents in Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore and Malaysia!Our members work hard to remove geographical restrictions and hope that fur babies worldwide could eat DogCatStar’s products!


How do I place an order?

Choose “SG & MY” from the drop-down menu on the official website to buy our products for delivery to Singapore and Malaysia.※ Note: Creating an account is easy and free. After signing in, you will be able to track your orders, redeem the reward points and more!

What payment methods are available?

【Credit card】

We have two payment systems for credit cards: Epay and Tpay. If one system cannot verify your credit card, you can try the other and contact our customer service to confirm whether your card is successfully verified. If your credit is not guaranteed to be verified, the order will be canceled automatically.

【Razer Merchant Services】

1.  After you confirm the order, including the currency and price, click “CHECKOUT”.
2.  Choose your payment method “Razer Merchant Services”, and follow the instructions to finish the checkout progress.

※※ Notes for online transactions ※※

DogCatStar and our staff will not phone fur parents to use an ATM. Please be careful not to fall for it. Increasing internet scams are constantly updated. But, once receiving a call from the unknown, you had better immediately contact our customer service to check it out.

Can I buy frozen food?

Due to customs regulations, we can only deliver food at room temperature but not sell frozen food.


How to Get/Redeem Reward Points?
【How to Get Reward Points】

1. Sign up for the DogCatStar website, and add up Reward Points by consumption to your account.
2. The amount of each shopping will be turned into Reward Points as redemption for your next shopping.
3. Conversion Rate: 100 coins are equal to NT$ 1. The more you spend, the more you can add up. Reward Points have no expiration date and can be used at any time. 

【How to Redeem Reward Points】

You can find the Reward Points” field on the checkout page and enter any relevant numbers that appear in the system for each order.

For example: I still have 10,000 Reward Points (equal to NT$ 100). If I want to deduct NT$ 52 from this consumption, I need to enter “5200” Reward Points to redeem it!

※ Number of redeemed reward points cannot exceed 50% of cart subtotal for an order.

【Expiration Date of Reward Points】

Reward Points have no expiration date. Remember to log in when you place your order to add up and redeem them!

How do I use the coupon?

You can enter a promo code or coupon obtained from our official marketing activities at the bottom right of the cart page. After entering, you click “Use Coupon“, and the system will automatically discount your goods!If you are the winner of the product voucher, you can buy any item (with no limit on the amount) on the official website; the system will automatically redeem products in your cart after entering the promo code!


Delivery Rules

Home Delivery Only. 

Subtotal is less than NT$ 1,000
Each order will charge NT$ 400 as an international delivery fee.

※ Example ※A subtotal of the order is less than NT$ 1,000

【Buy items】A box of canned food (220g, 12-can pack) is for NT$ 972【Pay a delivery fee】Charge NT$ 400 as an international  delivery feeTotal order amount= [ A box of canned food ] + [ An international delivery fee ]= NT$ 972 + NT$ 400= NT$ 1,372

Subtotal is at least NT$ 1,000
Each order will not charge an international delivery fee.Only a weight-based delivery fee is required.The delivery fee is NT$12 per 100g.

※ Example ※A subtotal of the order is up to NT$ 1,000

【Buy items】A box of canned food (2640g, 12-can pack) is for NT$ 972A single can (220g) is for NT$ 81【Pay a delivery fee】The total weight of the order is 2640g, so a weight-based delivery fee is for NT$ 343Total order amount= [ A box of canned food ] + [ Single can ] + [ Weight-based delivery fee ]= NT$ 972 + NT$ 81 + NT$ 343= NT$ 1,396


How long will it take to deliver after my order is placed?

about 2-3 working days.

Your goods will be delivered after the checkout is completed and the order is placed. It will take about 2-3 working days to deliver.
※ The ship date may change due to annual leave or public holidays.
How long will my goods be delivered?

The average shipping time frames are 4-10 working days for home delivery.

A single order with a large volume of goods may have more than one single number; if necessary, please contact our customer service again.

If you receive a phone call for the arrival of goods at an inconvenient time, you can make an appointment with the freight forwarder to receive the goods at another time.

※ The delivery time cannot be chosen in Singapore and Malaysia. The actual delivery date will depend on the logistics status of each order.
※ If the delivery is unsuccessful twice, the consignee will have to pay for each additional delivery fee after the third time.

Can I choose a shipping address for my package?


Fill in a valid and complete street address on the checkout page to make your address for delivery.※ Please fill in the English address when you carry out the order of Singapore and Malaysia※ Delivery cannot be made to a P.O. box as the delivery location.

What are the delivery methods and the logistics companies you cooperate with?

【Delivery Method】Currently, only home delivery is available.【Logistics Company】Goodmaji.


How do I check shipment progress?

【Method 1】Go to【My Account】>【Order Tracking】>【Orders】page to view your tracking number and the latest shipment’s status of the order.【Method 2】Go to Goodmaji’s Bill of Lading page to check the latest status of the status of a package.※ You can check the latest shipment progress about 1-2 working days after your goods are shipped.

What should I do if my package has not been shipped for more than a week?

Don’t hesitate to contact DogCatStar’s customer service. We will assist you in handling it.※ Contact one-on-one customer service:▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com

Can I return or exchange my goods?

Due to international shipping restrictions, returns and exchanges are not available.

Can I change my order items?

It is okay if the order status is shown as “Processing“, but you have to place another order!Fur parents can place another order for correct items, and go to【My Account】> 【Orders and Tracking Packages】> 【Recent Orders】page. Then note “Cancel Order” in your wrong order!※ Notice! If the status of a package is shown as “Processing“, it is already in the shipping process and cannot be changed.

Can I cancel my order?

If the order status is shown as “Processing“, it is okay!You can go to【My Account】> 【Orders and Tracking Packages】> 【Recent Orders】page, note “Cancel Order” in your order, and our shipping partners will assist!※ If the order status is not in process, it means that it is already in the packing and shipping process and cannot be changed!

Can I change my shipping address?
1. If the order is still shown as “Processing“, you can contact our customer service to help make changes.2. If the goods have already been shipped, fur parents can make an appointment with the freight forwarder to deliver in a different location. Still, if the address is across administrative regions or counties, it will require additional transit time ranging from 2-3 days!※ Contact one-on-one customer service:▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com


Why can't I place an order successfully?
If the product is sold out, it will show “Out of Stock” at checkout. You can contact our customer service again to inquire about the inventory status!Please check your shopping cart to see if you have mistakenly added a product to the “Non-Singapore and Malaysia Section“. If so, please remove the item manually and place your order again!※ Contact one-on-one customer service:▌Click on Messenger in the lower-left corner of the official website (Facebook login required)▌Send an e-mail to service@dogcatstar.com
Is there any brick-and-mortar store where I can buy DogCatStar's products?

We don’t have any regular chain but now work with brick-and-mortar stores with all our energy for cooperation in Singapore and Malaysia.

Will DogCatStar contact me (proactively)?

DogCatStar will notify fur parents by e-mail or SMS in the ordering and shipping process.Suppose there is anything wrong with the order (such as incorrect address, missing items or missing full name, etc.). In that case, DogCatStar will contact you through contact information left by fur parents, but will not inquire about payment, ATM operations, or any account password. Please fur parents may rest assured!DogCatStar will not contact you after work! Please do not provide any personal financial information when you receive a suspicious call!If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service.


※ 考量貓咪跟狗狗需要的營養比例不太一樣,建議挑選專屬貓咪或狗狗的主食產品喔!
保健品可以依照毛孩特定狀況來做挑選,建議參考各保健品的說明頁面,也歡迎提供毛孩的身體狀況與客服夥伴討論。 (Line ID: @dogcatstar)
2、定食定量餵食(不給buffet 任食吃到飽)


步驟一:冷藏退凍 或 冷凍拌入溫水
▸ 步驟三:拌水輕鬆上菜
▸ 未開封冷凍生食:
生食需要冷凍保存 (-18℃),在未開封的狀況下,有效期限是從製造日期起算10個月喔!(皆標示於袋上)
剛拿到生食,若擔心毛孩一下子吃不完,也可以在冷凍狀態(稍微放置常溫約 5-10 分鐘後),分裝至保鮮盒內冷凍保存,每次再取需要的量解凍哦!
▸ 已開封冷凍生食:
生食開封後若吃不完,可用 密封夾/保鮮盒裝,並冷藏放置約 1~2 天。常溫下則建議2個小時內食用完,也要盡量避免重複退冰再冷凍喔!
汪喵的生食經由 HPP 超高壓低溫滅菌處理程序,相當於把2500噸的重量壓在汪喵生食上,可以在不破壞營養的前提下,殺滅細菌(大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌、李斯特菌等)與冷凍較難殺除的寄生蟲(旋毛蟲、弓漿蟲、蛔蟲等),HPP 後比人吃的最嚴格生魚片生菌標準還要少,讓免疫力弱的老幼愛滋犬貓與家庭成員不受影響,可以安心地讓毛孩子食用喔!
HPP 低溫高壓滅菌是什麼?
高壓加工技術(High-Pressure Processing, HPP)是一種高壓殺菌技術,當達到6000大氣壓,即使在室溫下,也能有很好的殺菌能力。汪喵的生食為了保持品質,甚至在冷藏溫度下高壓處理。例如出血性大腸桿菌O-157、李斯特菌、沙門氏菌,可以達到殺死 99.999 % 的程度。
▸關於HPP 殺菌資料可以參考下方資料:https://www.foodnext.net/science/machining/paper/4234550708



▸主食罐要怎麼保存?未開封的主食罐可以放置於乾燥陰涼處保存,常溫保存即可喔!▸主食罐的保存期限?主食罐從製造日期起算可以保存 3 年。因為罐罐是將食物放在密閉容器中進行殺菌,所以才可以在沒有放防腐劑的前提下,仍長久保存哦!▸主食罐開封後如何保存?開封後的肉肉如果沒吃完,可以裝入保鮮袋或保鮮盒冷藏保存,也建議盡速於下一餐食用完喔!


也可以混在任何的食物內餵食,同一餐建議不超過 3 種保養品,避免毛孩因為加太多保養粉而不想進食唷!



汪喵保健品無額外添加抗結塊劑,希望帶給毛孩最天然安全的保健品,因此在保存上需要毛拔麻多協助留意:1. 置於陰涼乾燥處,避免太陽照射處;假性結塊為正常現象,壓碎後即可食用。2. 若置於冰箱冷藏保存,建議每次從冰箱拿出放置室溫的時間不宜過長(避免因溫差大而有返潮現象)3. 台灣氣候潮濕,特別推薦使用「真空保鮮盒」保存汪喵保健品,真正幫助減少潮濕結塊情況。



目前店家接洽統一透過網路喔!店家如果有配合進貨意願,可以協助將店家照片(內裝、外觀)及名片提供到汪喵的臉書私訊或加入 Line ID:@dogcatstar,會由業務夥伴與您確認後續事宜。